With gratitude to Hashem we invite you to a double simcha!
Yossi's hanochos tefillin and Shneur Zalman's Upshernish.
When: Sunday. November 14, 2021| 10 Kislev 5782
4:00-5:30 PM
At the Fantasyland Hotel
A light dinner will be served.
Please reply to this email or text Rabbi Mendy at 780.200.5770 to RSVP for the event
or to receive the Zoom link if you can't make it in person.
Fantasyland Hotel adheres to the COVID-19 policies and guidelines set out by the Government of Alberta and the City of Edmonton.
For more information: https://flh.ca/covid-19-update
In lieu of a present, please consider a gift to the Blachman Jewish Education Fund.
With heartfelt prayers for the immediate redemption!
Looking forward to greeting you,
Rabbi Mendy, Chaya Sarah, and all boys
What is an Upshernish?
For the first three years of life, children absorb their parents’ love. Then, their education takes a leap—they are ready to produce and share their unique gifts. For a Jewish boy, this transition is marked with a haircutting ceremony—an “upsherin” (also called “upshernish” or “chalakah”)—on his third Jewish birthday. This is also the time when he begins to wear a kippah and tzitzit, the hallmarks of a Jewish male.
What is a Hanochos Tefillin?
It is hard to believe, but Yossi will be Bar Mitzvah in a little over two months. It is customary for young men to begin wearing Tefillin during morning prayers two months before their Bar Mitzvah and the first time they get to perform this special Mitzvah we make a celebration with family and friends.