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Chabad of Edmonton Presents…

All Night @ Sinai – May 19-20 , 2018

9:10 p.m. Mincha

9:45 p.m.  Shavous related learning by Rabbi Ari Drelich

10:30 p.m. Maariv

10:30 p.m. Delicious Yom Tov dinner

 “All Night Learning”
Rabbi Ari Drelich, Rabbi Mendy Blachman, Rabi Dovid Pinson

12:30-200 a.m. Session One

2:15-3:45 a.m. Session Two

4:00 a.m. Shacharis #1

10:00 a.m. Shacharis #2

11:00 a.m. Reading of Ten Commandments and ice cream party 

Refreshments will be served throughout the night!

Open to the entire community

For More info or to RSVP Call Rabbi Mendy at 780 800-5770